Signs It Might Be Time For Assisted Living

Watching a family member struggle with Alzheimer's or Dementia can be heartbreaking. Aging comes with a lot of issues for families no matter how tight the bonds. Memory loss can be very gradual or sudden depending on the type of disease they are diagnosed with. Living at home is what most people hope for, but here are some signs that it might be time to look at assisted living.


Driving is something most adults take for granted. The freedom to go wherever and whenever is true independence. Your loved one may need to turn in their driver's license or it can legally be taken away. If they no longer have the ability to get around, it can be hard for them to care for themselves. Doctor appointments, grocery stores, and other hobbies may be left to other family members. Once a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or dementia is given, these outings may even be too stressful. Having to talk when they can't find the right words or remember how to use a credit card is rough. Assisted living facilities can take care of their needs and facilitate all their medical care. Some even provide transportation with chaperones for them to still get out and do some light shopping themselves. 


Safety is a huge factor when considering assisted living facility options. Helping your family member remain comfortable at home is great while it is still safe. Most individuals with memory loss begin to put themselves and others at risk. Not remembering how to use a stove is dangerous or not knowing how to turn on AC during the summer, heat waves can be deadly. Assisted living facilities have close monitoring so residents don't wander off facility grounds and get lost. It can give families peace of mind and they can share that responsibility of their loved one with professionals they trust. Being trained to work with people with Alzheimer's and Dementia is crucial. You want the best caretakers and to have peace of mind when you are away.

Medications and Mood

Many patients with memory loss suffer from depression and mood disorders. Since Alzheimer's and Dementia affect the brain, they can have hallucinations and their personalities can completely change. This is hard for family members to watch and can cause huge emotional issues for everyone involved. Assisted living facilities are trained to handle these things and are not going to be offended or distressed the same way family is. They have caretakers who can distribute medications and monitor them to help come up with the best care plan.

Aging can be a very emotional journey for entire families. If your loved one is showing signs that make you concerned for their safety you should reach out to your local assisted living facilities. Talking with their doctor and trying to honor their wishes is crucial in making these decisions. Find an assisted living center that will help your family find peace with the decisions you have to make.
